

Company Information:

SGR Shanghai - one of the major R&D centers of Saint-Gobain worldwide is located in the MinhangDevelopmentZone,andattheheartofitsShanghaiindustrialcomplex,neighboring 6ofourplantsinvolvedinPerformancePlastics,GlassforAutomotive,AbrasivesandCeramics. Mirroring the extraordinary richness of Saint-Gobain technology, this Center hosts scientists inalmostalladvancedmaterialsciencesfromceramicstopolymers,glasstoironcast,crystals toabrasives,inorganicgrains&powderstorefractories…andreachesvarietyofresearchfields including: material science, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, modeling and building energy as long as grinding, coating, Optical Detectionetc.

SGRS has provided remarkable supports to SG’s business expansion in China and with the supportsfromourresearchteams,SG’sBUsinChinahavedevelopedandlaunchedabundant high-performanceinnovativeproducts.ScientistsinSGRShavehelpedusgeneratehundreds of ideas and patents, and thus, provide motive power to the sustainable development of Saint-Gobain.

Position Title:Optical Engineer(Machine Vision) 光学工程师(机器视觉方向) Objective of the Position / 岗位目标

Computation and Instrumentation Technologies (CIT) Department is leading R&D activities related to Modeling, Digital, Optics and Sensors for Saint-Gobain Group’s activities in China. CIT Department is looking for an engineer specialized in Optics to enlarge competency of the team in order to support the global strategy of digitalization of industrial plants and further develop inspection methods at lab scale for the others team of Saint-Gobain Research Shanghai.

In this role, you will design, develop and maintain optical inspection systems to be used in applications for process control and/or quality control.

You will be involved into R&D projects related to several business units (automotive glass, ceramics, and abrasives) where you will be in charge of investigating and developing inspection solutions with external partners. You will also contribute to the digitalization of Saint-Gobain Research Shanghai.

Candidate should have a deep knowledge on optical hardware and fundamental knowledge of image processing and data treatment (including statistical analysis, feature detection, pattern recognition).



1.(5%) As Saint-Gobain’s employee, you will follow Health and Safety regulations and will be assigned personal objectives to contribute to the overall efficiency of the company. 


2.(50%) You will develop and maintain optical inspection systems to be used in process or quality control for different plants of Saint-Gobain in China (glass forautomotive,

abrasives, plastics, and ceramics).


3.(30%) You will work closely with team from the plants as well as R&D teams from eachbusinessunitconcernedtogetfamiliarwiththeirproductsandprocesses.Youwillsupport them in Industry 4.0/ Smart manufacturing projects and gather knowledge of solutions developed (advantages anddrawbacks).

(30%)你将与工厂团队以及业务部门的研发团队紧密合作,熟悉他们的产品和流程。您将在工业 4.0/智能制造项目中支持他们,并收集先进解决方案信息(优点和缺点)。

4.(15%) Saint-Gobain Research Shanghai is one important contributor of innovation for theall Saint-Gobain R&D organization (8 R&D centers in the world). You will participate to transversal programs (Sensors and connected objects, Non Destructive Evaluation, Data Science) with other researchers and contribute to the innovation process of the company.


Qualification & Skills:

1.Position opened to Master in optics, Mechanical automation, measurement or relevant majors. Experience in machine vision/computervision.

光学,机械自动化,测控及相关专业硕士学历, 机器视觉/计算机视觉领域工作经验。

2.Skillsinopticalhardwareandauto-inspection,aswellasinobjectorientedprogramming (Python, C/C++, sharp), image processing andanalysis.

具备光学硬件及自动检测知识,以及面向对象程序设计(Python, C/C++, Sharp),图像处理和分析能力。

3.Project management are required for this position. 优秀的项目管理能力。

4.Good communication skills, Chinese and English (oral and written) 


5.Curiosity and willingness to work in a multi-disciplinary environment 




Address: No. 55, Wenjing Road, Minhang Technology & Development Zone, Shanghai Tel: 86-21-54757579

Email: Jiang.You@saint-gobain.com