电话: 电子邮箱:kaihuang@seu.edu.cn
办公地址: 邮编:
教育经历 博士,莫纳什大学,澳大利亚,11/2016-06/2020
工作经历 博士后研究员,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,07/2020-10/2021 讲师、硕导,必赢bwin唯一官方,10/2021-至今 至善学者,必赢bwin唯一官方,02/2024-至今
科研方向 智能交通系统优化(Operation Research) 智能网联车辆系统仿真(Simulation) 基于数据驱动的交通系统控制与仿真(Data-driven)
联系方式 办公电话: 邮箱:kaihuang@seu.edu.cn 办公地址:
本科生课程: 《大数据算法导论与应用》 《人工智能导论》
请参考 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pGRiJu0AAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kai-Huang-23
(1) 中国国家自然科学基金青年项目,2024-2027 (2) 美国国家科学基金会I/UCRC项目,2021-2022 (3) 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027 (4) 江苏省双创博士课题,2022-2023 (5) 交通运输部规划研究院开放课题子课题,2021-2023 (6) 无锡市自科基金-“太湖之光”技术攻关项目,2023-2025 (7) 必赢bwin唯一官方教改项目,2023 (8) 江苏省高速公路交通运输执法总队、苏州交通局、华为技术有限公司等项目10余项,在研
Research Papers
(1) Huang, K., Han, X., An, K., Liu, Z.. (2024). Short-term and Long-term Impacts of Shared Autonomous Vehicle Choice Behavior. Transportation Research Part D. (SCI, Q1) | (2) Huang, K. Zhou, P., Liu, Z., Zhang, H.*, Tang, T., Jiang, W. 2024 The Calculation and Distribution of CAV Carbon Emissions: A Comparative Analysis of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources. Renewable Energy. (SCI, Q1) | (3) Huang, K., An, K., Correia, G. H., Rich, J., Ma, W. (2021). An Innovative Approach to Solve the Carsharing Demand-supply Imbalance Problem under Demand Uncertainty. Transportation Research Part C, 132, 103369. (SCI, Q1) | (4) Huang, K., Correia, G., An, K. (2018). Solving the Station-Based One-way Carsharing Network Planning Problem with Relocations and Non-linear Demand. Transportation Research Part C. 90, 1-17. (SCI, Q1) | (5) Huang, K., An, K., Correia, G. (2020). Planning of One-way Electric Carsharing Systems with Continuous State of Charge Functions. European Journal of Operational Research. 287(3), 1075-1091. (SCI, Q1) | (6) Huang, K., An, K., Rich, J., Ma, W. (2020). Vehicle Relocation in One-way Station-based Electric Carsharing Systems: A Comparative Study of Operator-based and User-based Methods. Transportation Research Part E, 142, 102081. (SCI, Q1) | (7) Huang, K., Liu, Z., Kim, I., Zhang, Y. (2019). Analysis of the influencing factors of carpooling schemes. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. 11(3), 200-208. (SCI, Q1) | (8) Huang, K., Jiang, C., Li, P., Ali, S., Wan, J., Qin, W. (2022). A Systematic Framework for the Urban Smart Transportation towards Traffic Management and Parking. Electronic Research Archive,30(11), 4191-4208. (SCI, Q1) | (9) Huang, K., Chen, M., Zhou, Z., Han, X., Wang, J., Liu, Z. (2022). A Systematic Approach for the Calibration of Route Choice Model Based on Stochastic User Equilibrium. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. 15(4), 55-71. (SCI, Q1) | (10) Huang, K. Liu, C., Zhang, C*, Liu, Z., Hu, H. (2024). Shared Autonomous Vehicle Operational Decisions with Vehicle Movement and User Travel Behaviour. Travel Behaviour and Society. (SCI, Q1) |
(2)必赢bwin唯一官方至善学者,2024 (3)全国大学生创新创业训练计划项目校级重点项目结题优秀,2023(指导教师) (4)无锡市高校思政课和专业课教育教学说课比赛专业课组三等奖,2023 (5)2022年度中国交通运输协会科学技术奖三等奖,2023 (6)2022年度Journal of the Operational Research Society(JORS)杰出审稿人 (7)第29届智能交通世界大会创新大赛高校赛道一等奖,2023 (8)第29届智能交通世界大会创新大赛高校赛道二等奖,2021 (9)澳大利亚道路委员会最佳博士生奖,2019 (10)莫纳什大学研究生科研论文奖,2020 (11)莫纳什大学国际交流奖,2019 (12)莫纳什大学土木工程系最佳论文奖,2018
期刊编辑:Young Academic Editor (YAE) of Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition)(JTTE青年学术编辑) 期刊审稿人:Joule, Omega, Transportation Research Part E, Transportation Research Part D, Transportation Letter, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transport Policy, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Service Science, Journal of Advanced Transportation, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, KSCE, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Service Science, Multra Transportation 学会会员:美国交通工程师协会(ITE)会员 (2017-2020),中国系统工程学会(SESC)会员 会议主持:2018年莫纳什大学交通学者研讨会会议主席,2019年湘江学者交通论坛分会场主席,2021ISMT会场主席 评委:International Assoc of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) Pas Prize (2020)
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